Now seems like a good time to cultivate a penpal or two for your child, don't you think? April (for the few days that are left) is National Card & Letter Writing Month, and the postal service needs our help besides.
A few weeks ago Miles and I whipped out the construction paper and kid-safe paint to make some "long-distance high fives" to send to friends and family members. I explained what we were going to do, and then painted his palm and fingers before helping him make a firm print on construction paper. We made dozens like this (he enjoyed washing his hand off between colors) and then once he'd gone to bed that night and the handprints had dried, I cut them down and wrote a little message on each. Into envelopes they went, and off to our loved ones' homes.
And, happily, they had the desired effect. Miles received his own letters and gifts in the mail in return, and lots of texts too. While he doesn't grasp the concept of a penpal quite yet, this activity helped us all feel a little more connected.