Our first visit to the New England Fiber Festival on Saturday was simply lovely. I really didn't know what to expect going in, although felt hopeful there would be animals for Miles to visit as he and Kristie came too. We also met up with friends and their kids, and strolled the aisles together.
Since Miles was coming, I wanted to be honest with my expectations for the day. I didn't have a shopping list or any goals to meet (Webs is in our backyard, so I'm never short good new yarn), and figured I'd be happy just to browse and take inspiration anywhere I could for however long we lasted.
We arrived around 10 (after all of us slept in until nearly 8 – thanks Miles!) and visited all the animals we could find. Miles alternated between stroller and walking on his own. While he was in the carriage, I perused stalls, and while he wasn't, I simply joined him petting the alpacas, sheep, and rabbits. Kristie, bless her, also chased him quite a bit.
The work at this stall was so beautiful. Fiber + Mud's owner told me she grows her own indigo for the dyeing.
Miles sat down next to these sheep for awhile and picked pieces of straw off them one by one.
The Society for Creative Anachronism was on hand with weaving demonstrations. I wish I'd spent more time in their area.
I was stopped by a few people who asked if I'd knit the sweater I was wearing. Tempting as it was to say yes, it's vintage Gap. I realized my whole outfit was thrifted, except for the tights and inner wear. I think I'll wear the same thing again to Thanksgiving.
We're already looking hungrily toward next year, when we can go back with a tighter game plan. "No kids in the morning" was suggested, which might be nice so we can get the dedicated shopping out of the way. Have you been?