We actually spent a weekend in Little Compton, Rhode Island. But you coulda fooled me.
My cousin married his sweetheart on her family's farm and every inch of the weekend was saturated with love and levity. It was a truly fabulous event (the bride's dress alone!), and the second wedding Miles has attended. The baby, my wife Kristie, and I stayed in a modern rental home with my parents, brother, sister, and sister's boyfriend. The house overlooked the water – we absentmindedly argued over whether it was the ocean, or a river flowing from the ocean. (I know it could be solved with a quick Google search, but I think I'd rather not know for sure. And it doesn't matter. It was beautiful either way.)
This little town...it felt like driving through the wilds of Block Island. Some island, at least. I loved the crumbling geometry of stone walls that framed yards ands fields. Neighbors rode their horses single-file along the side of the street. Kristie and my sister bought iced coffee from a roadside farmstand. During a foggy four-a.m. drive (thanks teething!!) I spotted a fox slinking across the road, and an antlered deer standing unbothered in someone's front yard.
When it came to the weekend's events, Kristie and I took shifts – she went to the rehearsal dinner on Friday evening and I stayed late at the reception on Saturday (each taking turns celebrating while the other mother stayed home making sure Miles was in bed on time).
Teething aside, Miles championed falling asleep on his own in the pack-and-play – even for naps. Did you hear me? Even for naps. Oh, my child. How proud I felt – and a little sad that you didn't need me to nurse you and lay in bed beside you to help you tumble carelessly into sleep. (You better believe I jumped at the chance to do so the second day when you were just a little extra fussy.)
How lucky we were to see so many relatives! Twice this year, a wedding brought far-flung aunts, uncles, and cousins (and their dogs) together. It's a treat spending time with them, it really is. I want Miles to grow up knowing them all well.
I ordered Miles's loafers from Amazon [affiliate link], and bemoaned how big they were when they arrived the day before we left. How would they ever stay on? Just my luck (and a little bit of heartache), they fit perfectly! He's 10 months old, and growing so fast. We all are, I guess, and I'm feeling more appreciative than ever for weekends like these that help slow time down just enough for us to all catch our breath.