More on Instagram. Hat knit using this pattern.
I've been nurturing a few side hustle-type projects lately, like several new cross-stitch patterns I'm really excited about, digital media freelancing, video gigs, and more writing. Kristie and I even have time to shoot one or two local wedding videos this season, which I've missed doing. I love this work (and I love my day job)! Having outlets for my creative energy makes me so happy.
This weekend we're headed down to New York with my family for Miles's first Mets game! I ordered little baseball baby shoes from Zulily that are sadly gone now, but these are very similar [affiliate link]. Not the most rational purchase I've ever made by far, but they're so cute I couldn't resist.
Links for your Friday
Kristie always watches "Survivor," and I started paying attention when Zeke Smith was outed as trans last season. Happily, he says he hasn't had a single negative encounter since being outed.
An archive of French typography
I made this pizza for dinner not too long ago
Children's books that foster acceptance
So pure: Same-sex couple accidentally proposes to each other at the same time
This cantaloupe lemonade looks so good (I craved cantaloupe while I was pregnant)
Paulette Jordan could become America's first indigenous governor
It's official: French fries pair best with champagne
Now that Miles is eating more solid foods, I want to figure out a splash mat situation to go underneath his high chair for easier clean-up. I like this DIY.
The Frida Kahlo digital collection
Sephora is offering free beauty classes for trans people