It's been a long time – seven years, in fact!
Seven years of fire-engine-red countertops and backsplashes; of faux brick linoleum; of dark wood paneling. It's no wonder I've never shared photos of my kitchen here – I didn't even like to be in there.
It's all different now, I'm so happy to tell you. I'm learning that the looming arrival of a baby has a motivating effect on a lot of people and projects. We'd discussed light renovations with our landlord on and off since we'd moved in; once I got pregnant, it was easy to say: It needs to happen by November or not at all. Within a month, we were finished.
The landlord installed new flooring, countertops, and backsplashes. He let Kristie and I help pick them out, which was nice. We spent what feels like hours pouring over paint chips in Home Depot and Lowe's, and painted the paneling and wall above ourselves.
(Quickly, and because it feels like a rock stuck in my shoe: We ultimately chose paint from Lowe's, but I want to mention that it's not my preferred hardware store. The last time I went – to buy a welded ring for this project – I asked an employee where I could find them. His first response was, "What's it for?" It was an unfriendly question from a presumably cisgender older white male, and it made me feel unwelcome in the store. I wanted to tell him it really didn't matter, did it? I already knew what I needed; I just needed to know where to find it. He was satisfied with my surprised answer, though – "Um, to hang a plant" – a sufficiently female reason to be in a hardware store? Hmm.)
Lingering bad tastes aside, we found the perfect paint. We sanded and taped and primed and painted over a period of 10 days. And our kitchen transformed before our eyes.
Our new kitchen feels so intentional. We all spend more time there – both my wife and I, and the dog too, who likes lying on the cool floor while keeping an eye on everyone. My dormant interests in cooking and baking have been electrified. Each Friday, I plot the things I'm going to create in that kitchen. (Last weekend, brownies and two kinds of banana bread – one with chocolate chips, one without.) I'm revisiting favorite, long-ignored recipes for homemade Cheez-Its and peppermint patties, and brainstorming new flavor combinations for French macarons. I'm excited when it's my turn to cook dinner, even willing to linger and wash dishes afterward. We listen to podcasts (My Favorite Murder) with a Bluetooth speaker, or to Pandora stations (Creedence Clearwater Revival) on the Amazon Echo we inherited from Kristie's dad. I sing to the baby while I crack open eggs and Kristie works at the kitchen table. We watch the sun set.
I love being in that kitchen. I'm proud of our hard work. I'm proud of the things we accomplished and created together. I love my home even more now, and it's going to be easy to stay for another few years while we save up the down payment to buy a house.
Succulent print (Cedar Chest)
Print frame (DIY)
Table and chairs (IKEA)
Chair cushions (IKEA)
Cabinet hutch (Amazon)
Salt and pepper shakers (Cedar Chest)
Napkin holder (thrifted)
Napkins (Cedar Chest)
Hanging pot (DIY)
Hammer hooks (Faces)
Dog bowl stand (DIY)