When we were staying in Provincetown way back in January, I noticed something at our hotel that blew my mind.
It was a washcloth made just for makeup removal. It had two different sides – one that was black (for mascara and eyeliner), and one that was a neutral brown (for foundations and powders). Of course, it took me a second to realize that this wasn't really for me – it was probably intended for drag performers – but I really enjoyed using it nonetheless.
At home, I use reusable makeup remover pads that I sewed out of white hand towels. (I use them with homemade cleanser or this souvenir from Paris.) Industrious, penny-pinching? Sure. Smart? Wellll...
It didn't take long for those things to be permanently stained with makeup. Smears of black and brown make them look shabby and dirty, even when they're clean. So I decided to make my own reversible makeup pads that have (hooray!) been hiding nasty old makeup.
Want to make some, too? You will need:
- Two hand towels: one black, and one that matches your foundation or powder
I used a glass to help trace a circle of about a 3" radius onto the towel. (Sorry for the blurry pic, but I'm sure you get it.)
I cut out six brown circles, and six black.
Next, match them up. Pin and sew around about 70% of the circle, leaving an opening (like the picture below) in each one. Use the opening to turn the pads inside out. Tuck in the fabric of the opening, and top stitch all the way around to seal.
I love that these are reusable and washable. And significantly less gross than what I was doing before.
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