Celebrating: I spent like 8 hours last Sunday sewing blackout curtains for our bedroom – they are such a game changer (tutorial here). Other happy things: Regular acupuncture. New records. Betty Who radio on Pandora. SPRING IS COMING!!!
Working on: Making my hair grow faster.
Reading: Way too many books at once! Pride & Prejudice, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The Feminist Utopia Project (which I highly recommend), The Revenant (honestly not a huge fan), The Price of Salt, A Room of One's Own, The Lost City of Z (a perennial favorite). Say it with me: HANNAH, NO NEW BOOKS! (At least until I finish one of these.)
Inspired by: Participating in the Vagina Monologues at work last week. Attending Viola Davis' talk at Smith last night.
Frustrated by: Waiting.
Reminding myself: Libraries exist.