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Whether or not you believe in making New Year's resolutions, it's hard not to think about goals and plans at the beginning of a new year. I have so much in mind for this blog -- a list of things I want to prioritize, types of posts I'd love to write. Now that I have a separate checking account just for blogging, I can invest more mindfully into this business. It's totally surreal and awesome, and really really fun. (I hope you're having fun too :) Keep an eye out for changes in the next few months!
Things to do this weekend:
- Figure out if Shakespeare's First Folio will be making a stop near you on its American tour (Locals, it's coming to Amherst in May!)
- Eat a few of these things that are good after too much junk food
- Check out these awesome dating cards used in the 19th century
- Embrace your inner dog lady
- Wonder over embroidered vintage tennis rackets
- Clean up at the ModCloth sale (I love these shoes)
- Add a healthy book to your 2016 reading list
My goals for the coming week:
- Go on a movie date with Kristie
- Make French macarons
- Start reading two amazing books I got for Christmas (this one and this one)
- Make a list of all the tiny things we can do to save money
- Finish knitting myself a hat
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