I wanted to call this post "Create a creepy cornucopia" because over-the-top alliteration knows no season, but I resisted because it's early and I like you guys.
I've had these out on the kitchen table for three days, and my brother still hasn't noticed the little "bugs" infesting our Halloween spread! I wonder how long it will take him...
If you want to set up your sibling, roommate, or S.O. with a creepy little surprise, all you need is a printer and temporary tattoo paper.
Find spider clip art and lay it out in Photoshop or another image editing software.
Print on the tattoo paper according to its instructions, and cut out each little bug.
Using a wet paper towel, transfer the tattoo to the clean, dry surface of your pumpkins, mini gourds, and whatever this green thing is.
Let the tattoos dry, then lay out the squashes (?) where they might be noticed out of the corner of someone's eye...
PS - DIY silk and felted pumpkins.