Isn't this picture dreamy? Kristie and I spent last weekend in Provincetown with our dear friends, and I'm back in Cape Cod today to spend time with the fam. I can't wait to share photos from my trip, but in the meantime....
I really enjoyed getting to know some of you through the last round of questions. Let's meet for drinks again, shall we?
If you want to play along, settle in with a nice beverage and answer the following five questions in the comments (my answers are below). Remember, comments will be visible after approval, so they won't show up right away. And alcohol may be optional, but if we were sitting across from each other in a sandy seaside bar right now, I'd probably order a Riesling Strawberry Slushie.
- What is your favorite way to practice self-care?
- What is your tag/garage/yard sale kryptonite (i.e. the one thing you can never resist buying)?
- Have you ever broken a bone?
- Did you keep a diary or journal growing up?
- How do you pass time during your commute?
1. Lately, my favorite way to practice self-care has been to read. It's really nice to only do one thing -- as opposed to relaxing while watching a movie, during which time I usually also knit or craft.
2. I can never ever (ever) say no to vintage Christmas ornaments! Especially creepy Santas. The creepier, the better.
3. I've never broken a bone, but I am particularly talented at spraining various parts of my body in catastrophic/ridiculous ways.
4. I journaled fervently all through middle school and part of high school -- almost every night, in fact. But I can't stand going back and reading them. It feels like they were written by a different person. I hope that's not weird.
5. Ever since buying a car with Bluetooth capabilities, my iPhone has become my best driving buddy. Not for texting, of course, but for streaming Pandora or episodes of podcasts like "This American Life" or "Radiolab."
Your turn! I can't wait to read what you have to say and get to know you a little better.