See more photos from our Cape Cod vacay on Instagram
What a busy time. There's too much to say about it, and not enough clarity of thought. So here's a list of some things that have been happening lately:
- I drank regular coffee for the first time in more than a year last week. Instantly became verrrry productive.
- I'm starting to learn how empowering it is to ask for (demand? vocalize? request?) what you want, even if the answer is no. I've been practicing it. Yelling (well, internally at least) I WANT THIS until I'm hoarse. However it turns feels good right now.
- I've listened to Spotify more than Pandora this week.
- No matter what we cut back on financially, I will always defend travel. Traveling is one of the most important, wonderful things we use our time/money for.
- I'm trying something new this weekend. I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited. Ready.
- I came across a wedding dress so lovely, I want to get married all over again (to the same person, of course).
- My whole family is using the Duolingo app to learn French. Things are getting...compétitif.
- New opportunities seem to be coming out of the woodwork. It's easy to celebrate them as coincidences, or fate, but honestly, I've been working really hard lately, and it feels good to see it paying off.
The best links of the week...
How to stay healthy when traveling
Are you sitting down? Here's a sneak peek at the 2015 Ikea catalog
These photos make me so excited to (one day) become a mother
A guide to summer flowers
Fun beach bags (naturally I forgot my new one at home when we went to the beach last week)
Best flower girl ever
How to afford real food on a budget
PLEASE tell me you've seen this video
Hooray Florida! It will be interesting to see how this turns out. (And, um, Oklahoma now?! #dominoes)
A few great iPhone photography tips
This is smart: Books of ready-to-frame posters