Who's ready for the weekend? Me, obviously, as usual. We have friends visiting from New York City, a birthday party in a park tomorrow, and lots of cooking and baking ahead of us. And, of course, Mother's Day! We'll be in CT on Sunday to celebrate with my mama. What are you up to this weekend? (And thanks to everyone who commented on this post! It's really nice to get to know you guys a little better.)
The best links of the week...
I love these nostalgic photographs of old technology
This documentary looks great!
Four ways to reach out for mental health help anonymously
Coming soon: Budget J.Crew
The strategy behind rock, paper, scissors
My town now has a rainbow crosswalk
Would you try butter coffee?
A vision of the future from those most likely to invent it
A new app can help you buy stores' leftover food for cheap
By far the best photo from the Met Gala
Are cassette tapes making a triumphant return?
7 boxed wines fit for grown-ups
Scientists have figured out why we yawn
I for real might try this clean-eating challenge
New innovation: a foldable bike helmet
6 weekend cabins to dream about
Mindy Kaling interviewing Billy Crystal is everything you dreamed of (and more)
A tattoo needle in slow motion (Maybe not great for those who have a needle thing)
14 florists to follow on Instagram