Sister/smoothie time
Tu-Lu's treats in the mail from sweet friends
Remnants of National Chocolate Cake Day
Do you ever go through culinary phases? I feel like I do, or I'm starting to at least. Right now it's sweets. It started with the cake I baked for National Chocolate Cake Day (Monday), which was delicious and not surprisingly, there's hardly any left. Then we got the loveliest package from friends in New York City, filled with treats from my favorite gluten-free bakery. And this weekend I'm planning to bake more French macarons -- this time, using an even fancier recipe.
Of course, this dessert binge coincides with a sprained ankle, and orders from the athletic trainer at work not to run until March. I'm not one to diet, but I know that I feel better when there's balance in my life. Kristie and I are headed to the local YMCA this weekend to join a gym for the first time ever. She's excited about the pool, and I'm excited about all the classes, the sauna, and the stationary bike (apparently the only thing I'm allowed to exercise on for awhile).
In the meantime, though, there's still chocolate cake on the kitchen table!
Links I've been loving lately...
5 power tools you need
Disney princesses redesigned with historically accurate costumes (Jasmine and Pocahontas are my faves)
The overhead view of the world's largest offshore windfarm is beautiful
A brief history of photo retouching
How to interpret motifs on Turkish rugs
Eve Ensler visited my alma mater!
I love these new Subaru ads
Guys guess bra prices (this cracked me up)
How to remove pet hair from everything
Electro-swing dancing. I'm into it.