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I have two new favorite ornaments this year! Kristie and I made these using our wedding photos and a few simple steps.
To make your own photo transfer wood ornaments, you will need:
- A photo printed on basic computer paper with a laser printer
- Branch slices about a 1/2 inch thick (Kristie cut ours from a small log we got when picking up free lumber from Craigslist)
- A gel medium (like this)
- Mod Podge
- Drill
- Red ribbon
- Small paintbrush
- Washcloth
First, make sure the wooden discs are totally dry. We did this by sticking them in the oven for a few hours at 200 degrees -- it made the house smell great.
Cut out your photo to fit the wooden disc. Coat the photo with the gel medium and place it face-down onto the disc. Carefully smooth out all the bubbles, and let it sit overnight.
The next morning, use a wet washcloth to dampen the photo, rubbing it very gently until the paper starts to come off -- and you start to see the image on the wood underneath! Continue to do this until all the paper is gone, but be careful -- if you rub too hard, the image can come off too.
Once you've rubbed off the paper, paint a coat of Mod Podge and let it dry completely. Drill a hole, string it with red ribbon, and hang it on the tree!
The process works with color photos too, but I love the look of black and white. Wouldn't these make good gifts?
Check out a video of the whole process: