Women have always played important roles in farming and agriculture, but in recent years they're occupying the front lines of farming more and more. Last week I came across a photography project called FarmHer by Marji Guyler-Alaniz, which documents female farmers as owener/operators, landowners, workers, mentors, and more. I was so thrilled when Marji agreed to let me share some of her photographs here!
From Marji's website: "As a woman who worked in the agricultre field for the past 11 years, I feel our world is long overdue to start bringing images of women in agriculture to the forefront."
Marji's photography is beautiful and the message comes across loud and clear: Women play major roles as farmers and producers, and their presence in the field of agriculture should be celebrated.
These images belong to Marji Guyler-Alaniz and the FarmHer project, and are republished here with permission. View more photographs and learn more about FarmHer here. Thank you, Marji!
PS - View modern portraits of ancient crafts, and watch a video about Yan, an artisan food producer.