My birthday is September 30 -- just a few more days! -- which makes me a proud Libra...with some very strong Virgo tendencies (my mom says I shouldn't tell people that).
I don't put a lot of stock in astrology, but sometimes the predictions and personality traits seem a little too coincidental, don't you think? Either way, it's fun to read your horoscope.
I perked right up when I came across Julie Nolan Jewelry on Etsy, since my birthday (and zodiac sign) was on my mind. Julie started making jewelry while living in NYC, but is now local to Northampton! Her jewelry has been carried by Anthropologie and Uncommon Goods, and featured in the Martha Stewart Wedding Holiday Gift Guide, Country Living, and on the Today Show.
Her constellation pieces, patterned after a 19th century Swiss calendar, are my favorites (especially Libra).
Libra Constellation Pendant Necklace
Clockwise: Gold-plated Taurus constellation ring; Hand-stamped forget-me-not brass "H" necklace; Sterling silver-plated Cancer constellation ring; Sterling silver custom astrological pendant necklace
*Etsy is an affiliate sponsor of the Homesteady