now, my dad reads this blog (hi, dad), so posting this gift roundup is a little risky. but dad, you don't know which one of these gifts you're getting...if any! it could be a complete surprise. anyway, if you're still looking for a present for your old man for father's day, check these out...
i want to ride my bicycle print // brika
paper airplane kite //
"let's explore diabetes with owls" by david sedaris // amazon
a racecar ridealong // the rusty wallace racing experience (note: we got this for my dad for father's day last year + i can't recommend it enough! he got to do a ridealong in a racecar on a real race track, and went something like 120 miles per hour. + they had a video camera inside the car filming the whole time! he had such a blast.)
diy bacon kit // the original bacon kit
"maddie on things" // amazon