follow me on instagram @thehomesteady
the weekend doesn't have a lot in store, it seems, + i couldn't be happier about that! there's lots to do around the house + errand-wise, which i always love. what do you have planned for the weekend?
a few links i've been loving lately...
april is national card + letter-writing month!
9 food items that benefit charities
i wish i could live in "mona lisa smile"...but mainly just for the hair + clothes. i'll pass on the sexism, but it woud have been cool to be at the forefront of women's lib.
have you guys read the adulting blog? i'm taking notes.
the homesteady is on facebook! if you are too, let's connect there.
we have, like, three perfectly fine cell phones floating around the house that nobody uses anymore. i'm so happy this caught my eye. hope phones will send a pre-paid shipping label so you can mail them your old phones (even if they're broken!). hope phones then recycle the phones + use the funds generated to buy cell phones for health workers in developing countries where mortality rates are highest. read more here.
washi tape bandages. if i were an investor, i would invest in these.
what makes rain smell so good?
the subversive history of women with tattoos