not dates like the food. dates like things to do with the person i love!
at the beginning of last summer we decided to write down a bunch of affordable (most are actually free) summertime date ideas on tongue depressers -- you know, those really wide popsicle sticks -- and keep them in one of our many spare mason jars. it was an idea floating around pinterest at the time. we each wrote down a few ideas + put the jar on a shelf in our kitchen...where it stayed. we never did any of them!
so, no, it's not summer yet, but the jar has already migrated from the shelf to the middle of the kitchen table, where we can't ignore it. as soon as the weather's nicer + we have some free time (probably post-wedding), we'll get in there + choose a nice date idea.
i don't think i have to tell you that this is one of kristie's date ideas.